Adams, Daniel
Daniel Adams Ink
White County
Gallery Artisan
Board Member

The impetus for Daniel Adams’ prints is finding relationships between images or ideas. Most of his work does not contain human figures, but they are never very far away. “I am interested in how we as people shape our environment and what that says about us as individuals and, on a larger scale, as human beings.” As a printmaker, woodblock prints are his favorites. They begin as a reverse drawing on a block of wood so that the final composition appears as a ‘positive.’ Then non-images areas are cut away and the remaining raised areas are covered with a thin layer of ink. Paper is placed on the block and pressure applied to transfer the image. In some cases, Daniel hand colors the black and white images to provide interest and dimension. He also produces etchings, lithographic and silkscreen prints. I make art because that is the way I make sense of life. God gave me talent and it is so much a part of me that I cannot imagine not creating images.” Daniel is a full professor in the Department of Art and Design at Harding University. He lives with his wife, Meagan, at McRae, Arkansas.